Street Parade Float Registration

Theme – TBA


Registrations for the 2025 Street Parade are now open.

A true community event in the finest tradition; the Macrossan Street Parade has long been a highlight of the Port Douglas Carnivale and regularly draws enthusiastic supportive crowds of thousands who line the high street to cheer for their friends, colleagues and community.

We are seeking fun loving, blinged up, all-star singing and dancing locals to be a part of this amazing spectacular event showcasing your town’s environment and community pride.

We are looking for dazzling diversity as well as corporate and local businesses, community organizations, local schools and schools dedicated to the performing and visual arts and everyone that wants to frock up and dance in the streets.

Cash prizes for:

Best Float – Overall $2000

Best Float – Business $1000

Best Float – Community $1000

Best Eco Friendly – $500

APPLICATIONS CLOSE: Friday, May 9, 2025

All evening Macrossan Street and Market Park will be brimming with entertainment for the young and the young at heart: live music, street performers, markets, amusement rides, and entertainment for all. Entertainment on the street and in the park commences at 5.00 pm with the parade starting at 6.30 pm.

Floats must register at the assembly area in Mowbray Street (outside the Community Centre) by 3.00pm and be ready and in their parade allocated position by 6.00 pm.

PLEASE NOTE: Due to the tight corner turns on parade route NO ARTICULATED VEHICLES can be in the street parade (i.e. SEMI TRAILERS)

All floats MUST strive to have decoration, costuming, lighting and sound to enhance the Carnivale atmosphere. Let your imagination run wild with tropical FNQ themes. For further inquiries please email

Parade Terms and Conditions

  1. This Registration Form must be received by May 9th , 2025.
  2. Entry in the Parade is voluntary, no entry fee is charged and no payment for entry is given.
  3. The Parade is a festive occasion to celebrate the Port Douglas Carnivale and not to be used to promote religious or political purposes.
  4. The Parade is a fun family event and no inappropriate behaviour will be tolerated from participants.
  5. Participants must at all times promptly comply with instructions given by the Parade Manager, by Parade Marshals appointed by Port Douglas shire and by members of the Queensland Police Service.
  6. Vehicles and\or floats participating in the Port Douglas Carnivale Parade must be listed on the Registration Form and approved by the Parade Manager.
  7. All vehicles in the Parade must be ‘special’ or ‘decorated’ vehicles of high standard.
  8. Vehicles must comply with our vehicle rules available here.
  9. Vehicles must be registered or have a permit and must be driven by a current driver’s licence holder. Holders of Learners Permits will not be permitted.
  10. Vehicles participate in the parade at their own risk.
  11. Participants must take care when travelling as passengers on any vehicle or float to avoid all risk of falling and acknowledge that they travel on that vehicle or float at their own risk.
  12. All signage, decorations, furniture and other items on a vehicle or float must be securely attached to that vehicle or float.
  13. Participants consent to the use by the PORT DOUGLAS CARNIVALE FESTIVAL management for promotional purposes of images taken of the Parade and its participants.
  14. Participants acknowledge that any failure on their part to comply with the Parade Rules may result in their exclusion from participation in the Parade, immediately and in the future.
  15. Participants acknowledge that they participate in the Parade at their own risk and must take all reasonable steps to preserve their own personal safety.
  16. Participants agree to release and discharge and to indemnify CARNIVALE Management and stake holders from any cost borne of harm resulting from their participation in the Parade.
  17. It is the responsibility of the person lodging the Parade Registration to ensure that they, and all participants for that group, are aware of the Parade Rules and are willing to comply with those Rules.
  18. Under no circumstances is livestock permitted in the Parade. If registrants wish to have domestic animals as part of their float, special permission will need to be received by Port Douglas Carnivale Festival management and appropriate Public Liability must be held by the participant.

    Business / Organisation / Trading Name:

    Contact Name:

    Phone: (This number must be reachable on the night of the street parade, so we can call you if you are a winner!)


    Postal Address:


    Float Description:
    Please give us as much detail as possible so we can allocate you the most suitable place in the parade.

    MC Script:
    What do you want the MC's to say about your float? Create a scripted piece (no longer than 30 words) that explains your organisation and what the message of your float is.

    Floats using motorised vehicles must answer this question:
    What is the length and height of all vehicles? (Include any extensions and additions to the vehicle)
    PLEASE NOTE: Due to the tight corner turns on parade route NO ARTICULATED VEHICLES can be in the street parade (ie: SEMI TRAILERS or LARGE BUSES)

    Floats not using vehicles must answer this question:
    How many of you in the walking group and how much space do you think you will need?

    Are you going to be using music? If so will it be live or pre-recorded?
    If the music is live please specify what you will be performing (instruments, solo, vocal, choir etc.)
    Please offer as much detail as possible.

    Are you going to be using audio other than music? Will you be creating your own sound effects live? Are you using pre-recorded sound effects? (Please specify what the sounds will be and how you intend to create them)
    Please offer as much detail as possible.

    Are you going to be using lighting? We eagerly encourage you to do so as it can really accentuate your float and help it stand out! Use of luminous paint and glow in the dark props are strongly recommended.
    (Please specify what lighting you will be using on your float)
    Please offer as much detail as possible.

    PLEASE NOTE: Please list any additional requirements here.

    I have read and accept the Parade Rules as specified below by Carnivale Port Douglas:


    If you require any further information regarding your application please contact Paul Smyth on 07 4099 9474 or email